Treatment Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Nafsology Psychology Center. Our Treatment terms and conditions stated below explains important information regarding our professional services and business practices. Please read it carefully and write down any questions and feel free to discuss with our team.

This contract is a reciprocal agreement with corresponding rights and responsibilities on both sides.

Patient's Rights and Responsibilites

You Have the Right to:

  • Be treated to the highest professional and ethical standards by appropriately qualified,experienced and licensed healthcare professionals
  • Be informed about the cost and payment options of the healthcare service provided by thehealth facility
  • Be aware of the name and specialty of the treating physician / dentist responsible for yourcare
  • Request that the treating physician / dentist and other healthcare professionals communicatein terminology and language you may reasonably expect to understand or through services ofan interpreter
  • Have your request courteously received and properly considered as quickly as circumstancespermit
  • Be informed adequately regarding diagnosis, treatment plan, prognosis of the treatment andfollow up care
  • Be informed of the reason for various tests and treatments
  • Receive information regarding your treatment / procedure such as potential benefits, sideeffects, risks and alternatives that will enable you to participate in making informed decision
  • Change your mind about any treatment / procedure for which you have given consent to,refuse treatment and to be informed of the medical consequences of this action
  • Request a second opinion by another physician / dentist or to change the health facility or thetreating physicians / dentist without compromising care within or outside the organization
  • Be informed of the evidence status of any treatment / procedure conducted by health facility,all related potential benefits risks and therapeutic alternatives
  • Receive immediate treatment in life threatening emergency situations
  • Receive adequate assessment and management of pain
  • Receive respectful and compassionate care to terminally ill and dying patients according topersonal beliefs and as per DHA regulations
  • Expect your personal privacy to be respected to the fullest extent consistent with the careprescribed to you and applicable to UAE laws
  • Expect all communication and other records pertaining to your care to be kept confidentialand protected from loss or misuse to the extend required by the UAE laws and localregulations
  • View your medical record under the supervision of the treating doctor or medical team staff,according to DHA’s rules and regulations
  • Be treated in a safe environment
  • To receive appropriate protection and services if you are vulnerable, disabled individual, and /or elderly
  • Receive information on how to make a suggestion / complaint to the health facility
  • Consent or refuse to participate in medical training programs or research projects
  • To end your participation in such programs / projects at any time, for any reason withoutcompromising the quality of medical services provided to you

It Is Your Responsibility To:

  • Abide by any rules and regulations of the health facility
  • Present official personal identification and health insurance details whenever required
  • Attend the appointment on time and notify the health facility when you are unable to doso forany reason
  • Respect the priority given to emergency cases
  • Provide accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses,
  • hospitalizations, medications, allergies and any other matters related to your health
  • Notify the treating healthcare professionals if you do not understand your diagnosis,treatmentor prognosis
  • Cooperate with, and follow the treatment plan as outlined by the healthcare professional
  • Bear the consequences if you decide not to follow instructions, treatment plan orrecommendations by healthcare professionals
  • Treat healthcare professionals, other patients and visitors in a respectful manner
  • Accept financial obligations associated with your care
  • Safeguard your belongings whilst receiving any healthcare treatment
  • Observe safety rules including the no-smoking policy, maintaining the cleanliness of theplace, hand hygiene

Informed Consent

Informed consent is a document that will be required to be signed by the client/guardian during the first session. It includes all the terms and conditions of the therapeutic process, details about roles and responsibilities and agreement of therapy process.


With the exception of specific limits of confidentiality, clients have the absolute right to confidentiality of their information. Clients are assured that all personal information gathered by clinicians during the provision of psychological services will remain confidential and secure.

If the clinician needs to obtain/release information from/to other individuals, doctors, emergency services, family members and/or schools, signed consent for written release of information will be required from the client to authorize such activities.

Clinicians may occasionally find it necessary to consult other professionals about a client’s treatment for the purposes of supervision or clinical peer review. During a professional consultation, no identifying information about clients will be revealed. The consultant will also be bound to keep all information confidential. By the standards of practice in psychotherapy and psychiatry, such consultations do not represent a violation of confidentiality.

Limits for confidentiality

There are some situations that may arise when confidentiality codes may be broken. Although these situations are rare, you should be made aware of them:

  • If you threaten to cause harm to yourself, and after assessment the professional believes your threat is considered evident, then he is ethically required to protect you in any way we see fit. In situations such as these, our intervention may involve talking to you about going to a hospital. We may also need to call a crisis team or, in some cases, the police.
  • Likewise, if you threaten to harm another specific person, we are required by law to protect anyone we feel may be in danger. This could include making contact with the person or people who have been threatened and, in some cases, notifying the police.
  • If we suspect that any child, elderly person, or vulnerable person is at risk from abuse or neglect, the law requires us to report this to the appropriate authorities. Laws such as these are enforced to protect any vulnerable people from being hurt.


Nafsology Psychology Center is not offering emergency services. We advise you to contact your local emergency services if a young person needs immediate medical attention or is at severe risk of hurting themselves or others.

If in Dubai, please visit Rashid Hospital immediately. Located in Oud Metha and is the main emergency department with a psychiatrist on call 24/7. You can call them on +971 4 219-2000.


We value your privacy, so we don’t share your data with anyone, unless you have explicitly signed up for a joint service between us and one of our partner organizations.


We understand that plans can change, so please let us know if you are no longer able to make your appointment. We require at least 24 hours notice for cancellation prior to the session time otherwise it will be considered a no show. As the clinician time is deducted to your session, the no show is considered as a full session fees.