Life experiences and trauma
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January 24, 2024Disorders linked to suicidal risk
Suicide is often associated with clinical depression, but that is not always true because any person who has feelings of hopelessness and despair towards themselves and their future could be victims of suicidal thoughts and are at its risk, so let us discuss some of these other clinical disorders susceptible to it.
Firstly, being depressed is simultaneously present in individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive disorder (OCD), hence resulting in increased risk to suicide, so OCD clients/ patients could also be exposed to harmful thoughts.
Personality Disorders, for instance Borderline Personality Disorder, where individuals have a fear of abandonment consists of suicidal thoughts and many unfortunately attempt it as well. This disorder is directly a result of childhood environment, such as physical and sexual abuse, neglect and early parental loss. They are constantly in fear of being abandoned, therefore developing relationship conflicts as adults because they are apprehensive of impending rejection or separation (sensitive to environmental circumstances). Suicidal behaviours are often a result of impulsive reactions due to the fear of abandonment.
Feeding and Eating Disorders, such as Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, due to their intense fear of gaining weight or “becoming fat” creates an atmosphere of anxiety towards themselves and their future, unfortunately creating feelings of desperateness.
Panic disorders caused due to constant occurrences of panic attacks, consists of the person being in a state of apprehensiveness, scared of experiencing similar attacks again, inclining them towards suicidal thoughts and at its risk.
Other disorders, such as, Bipolar I and II disorder, Body Dysmorphic disorder, Posttraumatic stress disorder, Schizophrenia, Persistent complex bereavement disorder and Specific phobia, have suicide as a common factor amongst them. It is important to remember that these individuals have immense helpless feelings of being alone and see their futures as dark and gloomy.
Educating ourselves about mental health disorders and their internal relationships to each other is essential towards the solution of suicide because they guide and answer questions of “why am I feeling this way?” Information and facts will assist in the right diagnosis, therefore in dealing with people based on a calculated plan, specifically designed for them, as each person is unique and has a history of their own. Additionally, having suicidal thoughts is a sensitive topic, associated with vulnerability and immense courage to speak out about the matter, especially from the one’s dealing with it.
In conclusion, encouraging to read and enhance our knowledge about the different sources and probabilities of suicide, specifically targeting causes, is a healthy approach towards the healing process and its management. Depression is not the only disorder facing the risk, other mental health disorders also closely related to it. As soon as human beings lose confidence in themselves and the future, they will want to give up on fighting against their anxieties, occasionally forgetting the positive significance of everyday struggles.